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Join your fellow islanders for the 2024 Spring Great Islands Clean-Up!

This year, we rally behind the EARTHDAY.org theme Planet vs. Plastics!

Check out the information below for island-specific details.


Pick-up bags, vests and grabbers starting Monday, April 15 at The Exchange or on April 20 at the Village Green in Eastsound starting at 10am.

**Land Bank Specific Site: Crescent Beach Preserve with Tyler Goodman**

Collected trash can be dropped off the day of the event between 2pm -3pm at the Village Green.

Participants can stop by Island Hoppin’ Brewery for a free pint starting at 4pm!

Contact Pete Moe for more info. pete@exchangeorcas.org | 360-376-4089

San Juan:

Meet at 10am at the San Juan Island Brewing Co. parking lot (410 A St., Friday Harbor) on April 20 to pick up trash collection equipment and receive beach and roadway assignments. Coffee and goodies will be provided by Lautenbach Recycling to fuel your efforts (bring your own coffee cup, please)!

**Land Bank Specific Site: Deadman Bay Preserve with Jacob Wagner**

Drop off your collected trash at the same location by 2pm.

  • After-party at San Juan Island Brewing Co., including:

The Adrian Xavier & Ska Island experience is an exhilarating new collaboration between Seattle’s “Crown Prince of Reggae” and the mighty Ska Island band, a Skatalites tribute band formed by several recent ex-members of Bellingham’s legendary Yogoman Burning Band. The electrifying band backs up Adrian with powerful renditions of his original conscious reggae fusion music, while sprinkling in vintage Jamaican ska from the 60’s and 70’s.

Contact Katie Fleming for more info. katief@sanjuancountywa.gov |360-762-5821


Drop-off collected trash on April 20 from 3pm – 4 pm at the Shaw baseball field.

Call ahead for help with large or difficult-to-reach items, if you need ideas about where to look for trash, or if you need bags or gloves.

Contact Jennifer Woodbridge l outsidelanguage1@gmail.com | 360-378-7948 (call or text only, no voicemail)

Lopez Island:

Come to Lopez Village Park between 10am – 11am to pick up bags, vests, and grabbers. Coffee, tea, and fresh baked treats will be provided.

**Land Bank Specific Site: Fisherman Bay Spit Preserve with Amanda Wedow**

Participants on the south end can collect vests and grabbers at the Southend Store.

Drop off your collected trash between 12pm – 2pm at Lopez Solid Waste (2419 Fisherman Bay Rd.), follow signs to drop area.

Contact Sarah Reeves | sarahr@lopezsolidwaste.org

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