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What’s Up in the Oaks?

Ruthie Dougherty, Orcas Preserve Steward, will lead an interpretive hike on south Turtleback, focusing on the oak woodlands, where the Land Bank has conducted extensive restoration over the last six years. This will be an opportunity to learn more about the how and why of this effort, and to understand how it fits with similar regional projects and the management goals for the Turtleback Mountain Preserve.

The hike will cover about 2 miles on trails with about 600 feet of elevation gain.

We will meet at the South Trailhead parking area (Deer Harbor Road/Wild Rose Lane). Be sure to dress for the weather and bring water/snacks.

No sign up required. Carpooling encouraged.

For more information contact Tanja Williamson at 378-4402 or tanjaw@sjclandbank.org.

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