The Land Bank’s summer of fun continues! We’ve got new walking places (and more to come!), wildflower guides in the works, new farmers on some of the Preserves – well almost on those two…Preserve tours, Island Rec kids enjoying Driggs Park, and lots and lots of communications in all forms. Of course, none of this happens magically; it’s all thanks to the hard work of our staff. You’ll find them out on the Preserves, doing just about every dusty and hot job imaginable, or behind their computers, keeping people abreast of what’s happening and the organization running. They’re planting and watering in the nursery, leading work parties, and always taking the time to answer any questions. And still a month to go before the fair…

Until then, enjoy the sun (and stay safe), and stop to say hello when you see one of us out and about. Trust me, we’ll enjoy the momentary break.