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Coho Preserve Opening Day

Join us for the opening of Coho Preserve on Orcas Island!

The property was acquired in 2016 with funding from the Washington State Salmon Recovery Board to protect the creek and adjoining uplands for the benefit of salmonids – including Coho salmon – that spawn and rear in the lower reaches of Cascade Creek.

A small parking area is located just east of The Artworks building in Olga on Pt. Lawrence Road. From there a rustic half-mile trail allows visitors to hike along the riparian corridor and following an upland forested loop.

After a brief ceremony, Land Bank staff will lead a guided hike through the preserve.

For more information contact Tanja Williamson at 360-378-4402 or email tanjaw@sjclandbank.org.

Coho Preserve, Orcas Island: 10am

photo credit: Kurt Thorson


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