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Your Conservation Land Bank is gearing up for the Spring 2023 Community Conversations Series and this year we are going HYBRID!

Join on Zoom OR in person at the San Juan Island Library Meeting Room located at 1010 Guard Street in Friday Harbor.

We’ll share the benefits of your annual $15 contribution to the Land Bank, as well as preserve updates, including Beaverton Marsh Preserve.

For those unable to attend the meeting, the public may also send questions/topics of interest to Tanja Williamson, Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator, tanjaw@sjclandbank.org. The meeting will be recorded and will be available here: sanjuanco.com/623/Land-Bank-Commission the Monday following the meeting.

District 1 – Wednesday, April 19
(San Juan, Brown, Stuart, Henry, Pearl, Johns, and Spieden Islands)

Create a Free Zoom account here: https://zoom.us/freesignup/
Download the Zoom application here: https://zoom.us/download

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