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Land Bank and Friends National Trails Day Celebration

There will be a National Trails Day booth at the Lopez Island Farmers Market, where the Lopez Community Trails Network, Bureau of Land Management, Land Bank, and the Lopez Island Conservation Corps will be on hand to answer all your questions from 10am to 2pm!

Nick Teague from the BLM will lead a beach cleanup at Iceberg Point, meeting at Watmough Bay Preserve parking area at 10:30am. Parking is limited so please rideshare when possible.

Kirm Taylor from the Lopez Community Trails Network will lead two hikes between the Lopez Ferry Dock and Lopez Village:

The morning hike will assemble at 10am at Penny Lane by the Lopez Ferry Terminal, and reach Lopez Village approximately 2 1/2 hours later.

The afternoon hike will leave the Farmer’s Market in Lopez Village at 2:00pm and head back to the Lopez Ferry Dock. Signups for the afternoon hike will be at the National Trails Day booth during the Farmer’s Market.

Tim Clark from the Land Bank will lead an exploration of Lopez Hill, starting from the Lopez Hill parking area at 2:30 pm.

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