Help is needed to prepare this year’s butterfly habitat plots at the Fisherman Bay Spit. Volunteers will assist stewardship staff in planting field mustard (Brassica rapa) and installing fencing around the plots.
The Island Marble Butterfly (Euchloe ausonides) is a rare, endemic butterfly. The US Fish and Wildlife Service listed the butterfly as an endangered species in 2020. Currently the only known population is located on San Juan Island. Public and private landowners are participating in recovery efforts to create new, suitable habitat for the butterfly. The Land Bank implemented a “Moveable Feast” habitat project at three of its preserves, two on San Juan and one at the Fisherman Bay Spit on Lopez.
Meet at parking lot at the end of Chestnut Lane. Please bring gloves. Tools will be provided.
RSVPs appreciated. Contact Tanja Williamson at 360-378-4402 or email for more information.